Twinning in Blue Lace

I spotted my lace top in a flea market and guess what made me buy it? It's neckline. It's super stretchy.
You may only understand it if you're a breastfeeding mom.  If you are, you'd know this - you wouldn't but a top or dress unless its front open or the neckline passes the stretch test... Later on another day I spotted this dress in the smallest baby size in dark blue. It didn't match exactly, but still....

On me - Blue lace top: Thrilled from a flea market in Brussels
Jeans:  Primark
Footwear:  Flipkart
Teething jewelry: Cherubchews
On Atyu: Blue lace dress: Thrifted from a flea market in Brussels
Cloth diaper: c/o Superbottoms
Superbottoms 10% off coupon code:  SUPERPANACHE10
You may remember my last post on the review of Superbottoms cloth diapers. Their newest innovation is the UNO diaper. It's technically an SIO diaper with 2 snappable inserts, both made of organic cotton with 8 layers each.
The name uno is because, though it's made of organic cotton it gets prepped with just 1 wash (usually natural fibers get prepped only after 4-5 washes. Only microfiber insert gets prepped in a single wash). I'm yet to test its absorbance. Currently Atyu is sleeping and she's been wearing it for 4 hours. So far so good. Will keep you posted on the maximum duration its able to withstand.
It has a very soft micro fleece stay dry layer against the skin. Being an SIO, the cover can be used multiple times with a few sets of extra inserts. This print is called Rimzim and depicts rain in a very Indian and kitsch way.
So have you worn matching outfits with your kids? Let me know...

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